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Lucasi Pinnacle Matte White/Black Cue with Carbon Fiber Tech Shaft

Original price was: $1,289.00.Current price is: $1,160.10.

ntroducing our brand new Lucasi Pinnacle carbon fiber technology series. LPSP is a Lustrous matte finish White & Black Sneaky Pete w/ 4pt White & Silver Crush inlays, G5 Rubber Grip, Stainless Steel Joints, 12.5mm Uni-loc Carbon Fiber Lucasi Pinnacle shaft & Everest tip. The new Lucasi Pinnacle carbon fiber shaft is at the top of performance and innovation in the billiard industry. The aero-space grade carbon fiber composition makes this shaft more durable and gives more consistency in every shot, providing effortless power and accuracy in your game. This shaft is sure to improve your game and have you shooting straight giving you security for years to come.

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  • Carbon Fiber Composite Shaft
  • Available in Uni-loc 12.5mm configuration only
Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 30.25 × 1.28 × 1.8 in


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